Where are you headed?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lonely At The Top?

Just a quick word about John Kenney my writing partner in The Drive, John has the ability to “connect the dots” better than anyone I have met in a very long time. I have seen him gather data and assimilate various thoughts and then BAM! he has a strategic plan that works. It is a privilege to have him on the team.

So let’s start The Drive.

I left home yesterday morning and drove to a neighboring state and 11 hours later I pulled back in my drive way.

There were moments when traffic on I-20 came to a dead stop. When that normally happens I get frustrated. But yesterday was a different story. What made it different was I had my good friend Lee setting in the car with me.

You will always have detours, unexpected bumps in the road etc. Here is a simple lesson, as you drive down your road of ministry. Do not take the journey alone. Take someone with you.

I have heard many pastors tell me how lonely it is at the top. Well, here is how to avoid the loneliness, take people with you. If you are alone at the top, it is because you have decided to take the drive alone.

Enjoying the drive!
Bob Farris

Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to THE DRIVE!

"THE DRIVE" is a new blog that will consistently ask the question -- "Where are you headed?" This important question is one that must be asked if we are to maintain our heading in life, in ministry, in relationships, etc. If not asked, we are certain to get off course and end up in places we would never have planned on going.

"THE DRIVE" is a blog centered on vision and leadership for every area of life. We welcome your thoughts, questions, comments, and feedback.

This blog is being written by Bob Farris, President of The Relevant Group and Bob Farris Consulting
. These companies are leading the way in creating stewardship experiences for churches and ministries, as well as offering coaching opportunities for church plants, as well as existing churches. Also contributing to this blog is John Kenney, Founder and Lead Pastor of The Quest, a new church plant in Augusta, Georgia. John also works as a partner consultant with Bob Farris Consulting in the area of church plant coaching.